Meet and Build 2023

Meet And Build

Tech & Production : Round Table XR with I-Illusion and Myron Games

Round Table XR with I-Illusion and Myron Games


Video games are often at the cutting edge of technology, and the development of Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR) and Mixed Reality (MR) projects grouped together under the name 'XR' is further evidence of this. The round table discussion on the creation of XR video games in Belgium will feature three Belgian experts in the field, moderated by Christophe Hermanns of the Vigo Creatives studio, who himself has a lot of experience in the sector.

Laurent Grumiaux, a veteran of the Belgian industry with 13 years of good luck making games across all platforms. Bros before hoes, Team means everything to him. Working on some crazy shit with crazy people makes him happy. The last crazy project he worked on is the Mixed Reality game BAM with the Flemish studio I-Illusion, which produced the worldwide success Space Pirate Trainer VR. 

Tommy Maloteaux is the Founder and CEO of Myron Games.After 10 years in the software industry, he started experimenting with VR in 2016 and made the award winning VR God game Deisim. He is now working on multiple XR projects.

Lily is an expert in digital information and digital creation.She joined Myron game, her husband’s studio, to help with communication and marketing. Now she is also in charge of overseeing updates to the VR game Deisim and and doing game design for an exciting new XR project.

Lily is an expert in digital information and digital creation.She joined Myron game, her husband’s studio, to help with communication and marketing. Now she is also in charge of overseeing updates to the VR game Deisim and and doing game design for an exciting new XR project.