Meet and Build 2023

Meet And Build

Friday’s Business Meetings

After a first day dedicated to international meetings, MEET & BUILD began its second day on Friday 27 October with business meetings. On the programme: pitch sessions for investors/publishers and project leaders, as well as 1:1 meetings.

We kicked off the day with a reverse pitch session from a number of investors and publishers. Among the approximately fifteen participants:

The second part was then reserved for pitches from around ten project owners, half of them Belgian (Flemish and Walloon) and the other half European (Czech Republic, Germany, Netherlands, Ukraine…), thanks to the partnership with SpielFabrique. The project leaders were as follows:

The day was then punctuated by 1:1 meetings in the magnificent setting of the Brasserie du Quai10.

Some figures for business meetings via the Brella application on 26 and 27 October 2023:

  • A total of 232 meetings during the event
  • A total of 131 participants, including 88 who attended meetings and 46 who used the chat option
  • A total of 879 impressions, with an accepted meeting ratio of 66.3

Check out all the photos from the business meetings on the MEET & BUILD Facebook page!