Meet and Build 2023

Meet And Build

Culture & society :  Navigating complex stories through games

Sindi Breshani, co-founder of Episod Studio, Games

Sindi Breshani

Sindi Breshani is the co-founder of “Episod Studio”, a mission-led developer of games that interpret socio-political and climate topics. Their game in development “Race for the Arctic” is the first commercial video game built entirely to promote the fight against climate change. Future titles include an open-world about dictatorship and a multiplayer game about propaganda. The studio is supported by the “UK Games Fund” and “InnovationRCA Incubator”.

She believes that games present a unique and innovative approach to learning: inside a game, the audience is no longer passive in the process of storytelling, but an active participant. She has explored this further in her paper “Inside a Game: Using Games to Deconstruct Reality”, published by the “SERRC”. Sindi is an Associate Lecturer at the “University of Arts London”, a BAFTA Connect Member, and a Women in Games (WIG) Ambassador. Her games have appeared at “Tate Britain”, “Now Play This”, “IndieCade”, “LA Times”, and she was awarded a “Women in Games” Award.

The goal of her presentation will be to present to developers the power of video games to awaken players’ critical conscience. She will also talk about how to use participatory design to collaborate with experts or witnesses in the making of video games. Sindi will address why it is  important to include other voices in the process of storytelling and the interests of Gen-Z players beyond games.

Finally, she will talk about the market insights for “games with impact”.

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